Are You In The Know?

Have you been thinking about what your child will do this summer? Have you heard of ESY summer services? Does ESY seem like one of those IEP mysteries to you? We get it! Here’s the scoop:

The official scoop from the US Department of Education excerpt from Section 300.106, Extended School Year Services (ESY):

  • Each public agency (public school) must ensure that extended school year services are available as necessary to provide FAPE
  • Extended school year services must be provided only if a child’s IEP team determines, on an individual basis, that the services are necessary

Ready for some ESY FAQ’s?

How do I know if my child qualifies for ESY?
ESY is determined by the IEP team and you are a member of the IEP team. You should call an IEP meeting and have this discussion, particularly at this time of year.

What if my IEP team says my child does not qualify?
This is where advocacy plays a key role. As a member of the IEP team, you have the right to participate in that decision and to fully understand why any members of the IEP team do not agree that ESY is necessary. It is okay to ask the members of the team to explain their position and reasoning. If you still feel your child qualifies, you may need to request another IEP team meeting on the matter and bring an advocate along with you.

What if my child qualifies for ESY but I don’t think the ESY program their school offers is a good fit for them?
There is nothing in the code that says the only ESY program your child can attend is the one offered in their school. Once it is determined that your child qualifies for ESY, now it is time to identify how those services will be implemented. Again, you are part of that decision!

Still feel like the ESY process is as clear as a spring mud puddle? No problem, reach out to us at All Needs Planning, we are happy to talk you through it!

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